Sunday, December 26, 2010

2010 Thanksgiving Weekend at Breckenridge, Colorado

Roger, Staci Gavin and I ventured to Breckenridge to celebrate Thanksgiving weekend with Seth and Brittany.  It was 3 degrees as we drove over Loveland Pass.  We stopped to take in the view of some Mule Deers:

Roger and Gavin enjoyed the snow along the way to Breckenridge

Finally we reach the Hotel Frisco.  A charming hotel with charactor!

The top windows is where our apartment unit is:

On Thanksgiving Day we went to Seth and Brittany's place before heading to the ice rink.
The guys were very relaxed!

Brittany showed us Lucy's (the cute dog) trick:

Off to the ice rink:

Seth, Gavin and Brittany:
My two hockey players demonstrating their "power skating"

Brittany fixed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at our Hotel Frisco apartment.
It was her second time cooking a turkey and it was perfect!

Gavin, Seth and Lucy hanging together...
After dinner we played the Monopoly card game.  Seth and Brittany were very competitive! It was great fun.